the Arctic Air Expedition 2024.

A modern day quest to define the British Arctic Air Expedition of 1930/1.

July - 2024

We are ready to go.

Boats & kit tested in Norway, now packed and aboard ship bound for Kukusuk, East Greenland.

Expedition team arrives on July 17th

Follow the link that will be placed here for live daily updates.

The British Arctic Air Route Expedition (BAARE) was an expedition to the east coast and interior of the island of Greenland from 1930 to 1931.

Led by Gino Watkins, it aimed to improve maps and charts of poorly surveyed sections of Greenland's coastline, and to gather climate data from the coast and interior during the north polar winter.

This venture was followed by the smaller 1932-33 East Greenland Expedition, also led by Watkins until his death whilst seal hunting from his kayak.

A third and final expedition by Martin Lindsay in 1933 crossed Greenland from the West by dog team, finally arriving back at the original BAARE base in East Greenland, completing the longest ever self supported Polar dog sled journey.

Our own current day expedition is to retrace many of these journeys and adventures over a two year period, following many of the same winter trails, boat journeys, kayak adventures and flying our own 1927 DH Moth over the ice, just as in 1930, and producing the first ever film about these very unique adventurers and the epic journeys they undertook.